Dental Appliances

Dental Appliances for Your Oral Health

Our Lethbridge dentists offer a variety of dental appliances, from mouth guards to sleep apnea devices, to help improve and protect your oral health and overall health.

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Custom Mouth Guards

A mouth guard is a protective, custom-made device that fits over your teeth. It can be worn during sports activities to protect your teeth and jaw from trauma, or during sleep to protect teeth from being damaged by grinding and clenching.

Mouth Guards for Sports

If you sustain a blow to the mouth while playing sports, a mouth guard will provide a barrier between your teeth and the soft tissues of your mouth, and absorb the impact more evenly.

Mouth Guards for Sleep

If you grind your teeth or clench your jaw during sleep, a night mouth guard will act as a barrier to help protect the teeth from damage, and reduce or even prevent jaw pain.

Solutions for Snoring & Sleep Apnea

When you fall into deep sleep, your tongue, soft palate and throat tissues fall into a relaxed state.

For those who snore, the relaxation of these throat tissues causes the airway to restrict, creating the sound of snoring as oxygen is forced past. For those with sleep apnea, the throat tissues over-relax, causing them to obstruct the airway, and forcing the brain to wake you up to breath.

Sleep disorders like sleep apnea and snoring can disrupt your sleep, and this can result in a variety of health problems.

Night Oral Appliances

Snoring and sleep apnea devices work by moving the lower jaw and tongue muscles forward to open the airway. This improves the flow of breath and prevents frequent awakening during sleep. 

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Looking for a dentist in Lethbridge? Get in touch with our office today to book your first appointment with our friendly dental team.

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(403) 394-2010