What do Clear Aligners Cost?

Posted Feb 9th, 2022

When seeking orthodontic treatment with Invisalign people are often worried about the associated costs. Here, our Lethbridge dentists discuss the financial factors you might want to take into consideration when making your decision about Invisalign clear aligners.

What is Invisalign?

The Invisalign system consists of a series of clear aligners that you would typically change every 2 weeks. Each set of removable, custom-made clear aligners will gradually adjust your teeth.

One of the advantages of Invisalign is that you are able to take your aligners out to brush your teeth, drink, and eat. Your clear aligners could help correct various orthodontic conditions including crowding, bite issues, and misalignments. Teenagers and adults also often opt for this treatment because of its discreet appearance and ability to adapt to their lifestyles.

Ideal Candidates for Clear Aligners

In recent years, many more adults have been seeking orthodontic treatment in an effort to achieve straighter teeth and a healthier smile. The appearance and efficiency of clear aligners may be one reason for the increase.

As for who is an ideal candidate for clear aligners, almost any adult who has an issue with the alignment of their teeth may ask their dentist about this treatment option. The dentist can then examine you to determine whether clear aligners would help resolve your issue.

A few specific problems clear aligners can help include overbite, crossbite, open bite, spaces and gaps between the teeth, and crowding.

Invisalign Cost Factors

Below are some factors that can contribute to the cost of your Invisalign treatment:

  • Any coverage your insurance plan can provide
  • Your oral health needs and how much work needs to be completed
  • The dentist’s time for their work
  • Your location and average prices for this type of orthodontic treatment in your city

On average, the cost of Invisalign is similar to the cost of traditional braces. The only way to find out what your customized treatment will cost is to schedule a consultation with y our dentist about your specific case.

In addition to your oral health and the level of work needed, the specific shape of your jaw and misalignment problems will help determine your treatment plan, how many aligners you require, the length of the process, as well as the cost of your treatment.

Paying for Invisalign

If cost is high on your list of considerations, you may want to speak to your dentist about payment options. After your initial consultation, you’ll have an estimate of the total cost and can decide whether you’d like to move ahead.

Similar to regular braces, most dental insurance plans cover Invisalign but check with your insurance company first to find out the extent of the coverage you’ll have.

If you're thinking of treating your dental health issues with an orthodontic option such as Invisalign, financial considerations will likely help you make your decision. Fortunately, depending on your oral health requirements, Invisalign may make sense for you. 

Contact our dentists at Southridge Dental to schedule a consultation and get an estimate for the cost of your Invisalign clear aligners.

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